Être 'Aware'

Displaying items by tag: Project 'Aware', 17th September 2021

Project 'Aware', 20th September 2008

Project 'Aware', 20th September 2008

Beach Clean Up Day - Albufeira Marina – Reef “A Pedra do Alto” 17 meters in front of Albufeira.

Participants: 13 Divers, 4 people on the surface plus a group of 12 Boys Scouts.

Waste Collected:

G114 glass bottles, 89 plastic bottles and containers, 28 fishing traps, rods and rope, shoes, metal parts and containers, lamps and projectors, oil and beverage cans, food and tobacco containers. 37 Project Aware Bags of 100L bags were filled with all kinds of rubbish.

We would like to thank:
Mr Saúl Cruz for the use of his boat to dive.
The Boy Scouts and all participants in general.
To the “Associação de Pesca Desportiva e Recreativa da Baleeira” for the 7 boats used to collect the rubbish.
The Câmara Municipal de Albufeira for helping with the truck to collect all the rubbish.
To The Marina of Albufeira for supplying the fuel for the day.
To Hotel Ponta Grande for offering lunch.

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